If you have a high deductible health care insurance plan, then you also most likely have a flex spending account to go with it. These accounts are a great way to save on healthcare expenses, but our office does get a few questions about how they can be used. It is always important to consult your specific plan before making any payments or purchases. We at Rio Linda Eye Care in Rio Linda, CA, serving Sacramento, Elverta, North Highlands, and Antelope areas, know a lot about flex spending.

Flex Spending Account and Eye Exams

Eye exams are usually a valid health expense which means you can use money from your flex spending account to cover the costs.

Flex Spending Accounts to Pay for Glasses and Contact Lenses 

All types of corrective lenses are usually covered as allowable expenses. This not only includes regular glasses, but also prescription sunglasses. In fact, we recommend that people who have money that’s about to expire use these accounts to pay for extra pairs of lenses and eyeglasses, especially if they have children.

Flex Spending Accounts to Pay for Eye Surgeries such as LASIK

These accounts can usually be used to pay for most types of procedures that are done here in our office, or an eye doctor who we refer you to.

Insurance Benefits, Eye Care Coverage, and Flex Spending Accounts

Even if your insurance won’t help pay for your eye care or vision needs, the flex spending account can still be used. It can even be used if our optometrist prescribes eye drops or other medication that isn’t covered by your health insurance plan.

What else can I use my flex spending account on? Depends on your plan. Reading glasses that are bought from drug stores, over-the-counter medications such as moisturizing drops, and the supplies to care for your contact lenses are all great choices if you’re looking to use up money before the end of your plan year if your plan allows it.

Contact Us for More Information

If you live in the Rio Linda, Sacramento, Elverta, North HIghlands, or Antelope area of CA and you need to see an optometrist, give our office a call at (916) 991-8444 Rio Linda Eye Care.

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