Here are some key factors to consider when deciding: Pricing: Know how much your monthly supply will cost with shipping and tax. Your health information should remain between your provider and yourself. Physicians should discuss with patients the potential for CIALIS to augment the blood-pressure-lowering effect of alpha-blockers and antihypertensive medications. What if I am taking other drugs? What alternatives can I use for erectile dysfunction?headache. indigestion. back pain. muscle pain. flushing. stuffy nose. Patients who get back pain and muscle aches usually get them 12 to 24 hours after taking Cialis and these usually go away by. Three Cialis mg to 5 mg subjects, three Cialis 5 mg subjects and two placebo subjects discontinued study participation due to an adverse event (AE). Nasal congestion was the only AE leading to discontinuation reported by more than one subject (two subjects in the tadalafil to 5 mg group). headache, severe and throbbing. hives or welts, itching, skin rash. inability to move the arms, legs, or facial muscles. inability to speak. joint or muscle pain. loss of heat from the body. numbness or tingling of the face, hands, or feet. red skin lesions, often with a .

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