You should also call your insurance company to see if they cover erectile dysfunction medications. And not all online pharmacies have the capability to safely ship medications that need to be temperature-controlled, such as insulin. In some cases, online ED providers accept health insurance. The best online pharmacies are accredited by the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy and are licensed in every state in which they trade. Independent online pharmacies operate solely on the Internet, either domestically or internationally.Online Pharmacy & OTC. Our 12 Picks for Online Pharmacies of If you need medication delivered here are the best online pharmacies—and how to choose the right one for you. By Natalie Rahhal. Updated on April 21, Medically reviewed by Chris Vincent, MD. Fact checked by James Lacy. Print. It’s generic name is Tadalafil and is recommended as an “as needed” medication. It is among the five FDA approved drugs that can be prescribed to treat erectile dysfunction. Cialis begins working within minutes after it . Get Cialis and Tadalafil pill online. Try the generic Cialis option for a fraction of the cost, after speaking with one of our online medical professionals.