It is important to make sure your child’s vision is working normally with regular pediatric eye care exams with our eye doctor. Rio Linda Eye Care of Rio Linda, Sacramento, Elverta, North Highlands, and Antelope, CA, list the signs that your child may have vision problems.

Abnormal Eye Movements

It is normal for newborns to have strange eye movements, even being cross-eyed, until they are six months old. After they are six months old, these movements should stop. It is recommended that babies get their first eye exam when they are six months old.

Rubbing Eyes More Than Usual

It’s normal for kids to rub their eyes every now and then, especially when they are tired, but they should not be doing it constantly. Kids do this when they have problems seeing, or if their eyes hurt. Either way, it should be checked out by an eye doctor or pediatric eye care specialist.

Squinting or Blinking

Children try to get their eyes to focus better by squinting or blinking. Sometimes, children may quickly alternate squinting with blinking, widening their eyes, or rubbing their eyes.

Contorts Body

When children can’t see right, they tend to move about, trying to find a position that makes them see better.

Moves Head Closer to Objects

If you give your child something new to look at and your child brings the object right up to the eyes, nearly touching the eyes, or lowers his or head right down to the object, then your child might have problems seeing.

Your Child Has Many Close Relatives with Vision Problems

Many vision problems, like nearsightedness or color blindness, run in families. If you wear glasses, then the chances are high that your child will have to wear glasses, too.

Contact Us if You Still Have Questions

If you have further questions about your child’s vision and live in the Rio Linda, Sacramento, Elverta, North Highlands, or Antelope, CA, contact Rio Linda Eye Care by emailing or by calling (916) 991-8444 to make an appointment for your child today.

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